Wednesday 8 May 2013

Final, Final, Final Shoot Reschedule

on Wednesday we just about managed to film everything but there were still lots of problems (of course).
We booked the school hall but under the agreement that we had to leave by 7 as others needed to use the hall. I was very worried about this unlike the others because I knew how much time the setting up of this scene would take, still I listened to the others and went along anyway as we under extreme pressure to get this done, regardless of the standard.
Unfortunately we were very pushed for time and ended up having to pack up before I got all the shots I wanted too.
In the end the hall wasn't even being used so we were asked to leaver for no reason but these things do happen and you have to make the best of a bad situation.
Hopefully the footage we managed to get will look great and the editing process will be less disastrous !!!

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