Wednesday 8 May 2013

24) Production - First Shoot ( Friday)

On Friday after school went to Capstone Country Park with all the necessary equipment ready to film, this was our first location of filming. Jakob at the last minute couldn’t make it which made it very difficult to film the parts that Holly is acting in and also most of the footage we needed to get on that couldn't be done. I called a few people that could be last minute actors and my parents brought them down.

Unfortunately we lost light very quickly as we had school on that day and only started filming at about half 4. It also started to rain half way through filming Natasha and Charlie's scenes.
Looking back at the footage it's clear we weren’t able to get any decent shots that we would be happy using for our final video. Annoyingly it means we have to film the same scenes on another day when we preferably have the entire day to get it filmed correctly. I think the half term holidays would be the best time to do this, as it gives us plenty of time to get everything set up and ready. We are still yet to decide an official date for this though.
Overall, we will have to learn from this problem and plan better for future shoots.

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